Media & Public Records Requests
Public Records Requests
To make a public records request to Hamilton County Juvenile Court please send an email to Kelly Leon, communications director, at Include very specific information, including the beginning and end dates if you are requesting data. You are also encouraged to review our Annual Reports for data dating back to 2000.
News Media Policy for Hamilton County Juvenile Court
Ohio Superintendence Rule 12 outlines certain conditions for broadcasting and photographing proceedings in Juvenile Court. Sup.R 12 is posted below, along with a copy of Local Rule 18. Permission to record proceedings in our Courtrooms is required. Our goal is to make the process as easy as possible.
If you are requesting permission to broadcast or photograph on behalf of a media organization, here are the required steps:
- Fill out and submit the “Permission to Broadcast” form below.
- If possible. submit the form 24 hours in advance. Realizing this is not always possible, the Court will work to accommodate day of requests.
- The submitted application must include each case number you wish to broadcast or photograph. If you do not know the case number(s), include the initials of the child and/or descriptive information about the case, so the Court can find the case number.
- Include the name of the media representative who will attend the hearing. If you are not sure, resubmit the form when you have a name. The form becomes part of the official record and should accurately reflect the person in attendance.
- Email completed forms to Kelly Leon (, Missy Peace (, and/or Brianna Visbal (
- When a request is submitted, you will be notified of the Judge or Magistrate hearing the case and they, as well of the Clerk’s office, will receive a copy of your request.
- You can watch hearings via Zoom. Visit the remote hearings The Zoom codes for each Judge and Magistrate are listed. Most of the cases you’ll be interested in fall under Delinquency. The password for all is 8002020. Please do not turn on video. Unmute only if the Judge or Magistrate asks you a question.
- Please display proper courtroom decorum by arriving early to proceedings. If you arrive in person with equipment to set up after a hearing has started, you may be asked to leave the courtroom or not permitted to enter. If you join a proceeding in progress via Zoom, it is possible that the Judge or Magistrate may not let you in due to the uncertainty of your identity.
HCJC Communications Director Kelly Leon is the primary contact for all media inquiries. She may be reached at, (513) 946-9247 or (513) 235-3836. Thank you for your awareness of and attention to this policy.
Permission to Broadcast Information
For media organizations requesting permission to broadcast, televise, photograph, or otherwise record proceedings in the Hamilton County Juvenile Court, please fill out and submit the Permission to Broadcast form in advance to a hearing and review and comply with Local Rule 18 and Rule 12 of the Ohio Rules of Superintendence:
Permission to Broadcast
Hamilton County Juvenile Court Local Rules- Rule 18
Ohio Rules of Superintendence- Rule 12